Strong partner: the GRAWE financial year 2016
29 / 05 / 2017
Eurolife and GRAWE are united by many values – but the trust of clients is particularly important to both of us.
GRAWE takes their trust as a reason to continue to generate good results and thus remain a reliable and stable partner for our clients.
The GRAWE financial year 2016 at a glance:
- Earnings before tax (EBT) of GRAWE AG (Austria) increases by 12.4% to EUR 58.2 million in 2016
- As of 31.12.2016, GRAWE AG (Austria) has a solvency ratio (Solvency II) of 343%.
- GRAWE equity ratio (20.5%) also increased again in 2016 and is substantially above the industry average (10.1%).
- In 2016, GRAWE employs more than 4,500 staff in 13 Central and Eastern European countries.
Read the full text of the press-release at the GRAWE website
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